Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Thank you for checking out my first ever blog! Lets get right into it. My name is Casey Claflin and this blog was created for one of my education classes. I am an open person, but for this being the first post I wont give everything about myself away, we will try to create a mysterious persona if you will.

I love the outdoors, taking nature walks, hiking, exploring/ adventuring, all of those activities are passions of mine! For me, there is nothing better than hiking through the woods and reading Psalms out of the Old Testament. I love poetry, yeah and I am a guy...weird right?.. but I love poetry and writing my own poems, I am not great yet but I am getting there. I love music as well! My favorite is worship, but I have a cadre of different styles to match different moods. I am a history and a Lord of the Rings fanatic....don't call me names just yet, but yes I love history. I grew up in an education television based viewing home. While other families watched American Idol or Survivor together, my parents and I watched Jeopardy, The History Channel, The Military Channel, and programs on the Civil War or World War 2. I enjoy reading, I just wish reading didn't take so long, I think I just need to learn to read faster. Physical Fitness is another huge interest in my life because we only have one body in this one life. Most of my postings will be of a collection of these interests and other hobbies!

All this stuff is cool and nice, but the most important thing to me is my relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I surrendered my life to the Lord about this time last year, in mid February. I say this because Jesus saves. I will put a link to my testimony later if you would like to read it, but I am not here to try push Jesus down people's throat because that is not love, but I am here to use this blog in a manner worthy of the Gospel and to glorify my God, who is rich in love, to saved me. I am not the man I used to be and I am very grateful for that and its because nothing I did but everything that Jesus did for me. If while reading you have any questions about Jesus or about a relationship with him and what it means to give your life to the Lord, I will more than gladly love to talk!!!

So Welcome! and I hope you enjoy my blog and blog posting!