So congrats on getting this far in my blog! This page is about me and who I am.
I am from Akron, Ohio born and raised. I have been a Cleveland Indians fan since I can remember. I grew up around sports. My cousins from my dad's side of the family were all into soccer or football, but my dad played baseball and so did I. Ive played baseball since I was five years old and Im grateful that I continue playing at the college level. I love the game, but that is just a small part about me.
My interests really revolve my love for nature and the outdoors. I love hiking, exploring, sunrises etc. all that good stuff that comes from creation. I love the colors and the scheme of nature, the somberness of the tone. In the summers, I love taking long walks through the woods or hiking by myself or with friends, doesnt matter to me. I am also really big into poetry... i know right.. a guy who enjoys poetry and nature...I am my own man. I love finding places when I hike that I can just sit down and read and enjoy the view. Sometimes I will write my own poetry or read Psalms out of the Bible.
Music is also a passion of mine. I can listen to anything, but I only really chose to listen worship, some alternative rock, or folk style music. Currently, I am really into folk and I love it! Ed Sheeran, The Civil Wars, bands who have similar styles to theirs are what I enjoy listening. Im constantly listening to music. It helps me focus and keep my mind on what things really matter.  I love singing...even though I cant sing to at all...its pretty bad...but my shower head loves me. My clothing style resembles my taste in music with a blend of nature and exploring with my own "freshness" to keep my wardrobe unique. Like I said...i enjoy being a tad different.
Those are things about me. my love of nature, sports, music, and those things are great and fun things, but they are just things I enjoy and love, but not who I am. Who I am is in love with Jesus Christ, who saved me from my sin and gave himself up for me so that I could have eternal life. In February of 2014, I gave my life to the Lord. For the first 19.5 years of my life, I lived my life for what I thought would bring me joy, i thought it would satisfy me.. but all it did was lead to death, but I had no idea...one night I was sitting in my room alone, and was just empty. Living my life of Sin had came to one point where I was dead...spiritually dead with a empty heart and a broken soul. So this thought comes in my mind to pick up the Bible that was on my night stand and just read something I had never read before. So 1 Peter was the first thing to come into my mind and I turn there. I flip to 1 Peter 4 and began reading and when I got past verse 6...i started to cry because for the first time in my life I saw that I was a sinner in need of a savior. In one moment, i saw my life flash before my eyes, i saw every sin that I had ever committed for the past 6 and half years...that moment I cried out to the Lord to save my life and I surrendered my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  That night I found God, he presented himself to me and it is all because of the love of Jesus Christ. That was the moment that I understood the Gospel for the first time. My life verse is the verse that lead me to Jesus, 1 Peter 4:2 "As a result he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires but rather for the will of God." I dont live the life I used to because I found something much much greater and that is the love of God. That a life, a relationship with Jesus Christ leads to eternal life in Heaven.
So that is who I am. A new man. Im a new creation, the old is gone and new has come and so everyday I die to the things that once enslaved me, and I pick up my cross and follow after Jesus because that is where life is found. life on this earth and life eternally. Ephesians 2:1-10

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