Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. For I once was lost but now is found, was blind but now I see. The familiar hymn is my favorite song, no doubt. But it hasn't always didn't become my favorite song till February 2014, after I had given my life to Lord. This page is just here to tell the Gospel, the Good news, God is a loving Creator. In fact he is so loving over this world of ruined sinners, us, that he sent his son to be a sin offering, a sacrifice to once and for all to pay the cost of our sin. So Jesus went to the cross and he was crucified...and for 3 days he was dead. But on the 3rd day he rose again, defeating death and conquering sin. Jesus's blood gave us the way to have a relationship with God. Jesus gave up his life, he was tortured and beaten, he was sin less, but yet he endured the penalty and pain of death for us, he gave up himself so that we might live. He died to free us from sin. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. This love is what saved my life.

I lived for my evil desires, I lived my life for whatever I wanted to do. I was a slave to my sinful nature. Satan had a hold my life....Not knowing but I was in chains, chains of sin. For 6 and half years I lived for my sin, an addiction to pornography, an addiction to sexual immorality, sexual impurity, idolatry, and never had an idea that I was a sinner....until my sin left me empty and broken inside. I  lived my life for what would I thought would bring me satisfied. I had everything that I thought would fill. So I filled my life with all that stuff because I thought it would fill me...but it actually did the didn't give me life, but it made me dead inside. It dug a hole so deep in my heart that was like a bottomless pit. Until one night....after 6 years of living the life I wanted to left me in my room empty and broken because that is what sin leads to emptiness, brokenness and death. But so there I was sitting and this thought comes in my mind to pick up and read my bible that was laying on my nightstand. This thought comes into my mind, read 1 Peter, it was something I had never read I was did. Flipping through the pages I came to 1 Peter 4 and the title of the chapter is "Living for God". so I started reading..."Therefore since Christ suffered in his body arm yourselves with the same attitude because anyone who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result he does not live the rest of his earthly lives for evil human desires but rather for the will of God. For you lived for too long in your past living like pagans living for debauchery, lust, drunkenness, carousing, and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you don't jump into the same flood of dissipation and they heap abuse upon you but they will have to give an account to the one who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the Gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to man in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit." - 1 Peter 4:1-6....

Once I finished reading this....I began to weep, I cried so much because for the first time in my life I believed that I was sinner in desperate need of a Savior. In one moment, I saw every sin I had pretty much ever committed flash before my eyes...I believed that I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and I believed that Jesus Christ was the only one who could savior. I was a sinner in need of forgiveness and who wanted to be redeemed. That is when I cried out to the Lord to save my life, with everything in me, I called out to the Lord for mercy and I surrendered my life to the Lord. Jesus Christ freed me from my sin by his blood and now I have the Holy Spirit living inside me AND THE MOST AMAZING PART ABOUT THE GOSPEL ABOUT MY STORY ISNT ME!!! The most amazing part of my story is that I didn't do anything to deserve it, actually I did everything not to deserve it. But the Grace  and the Love of God is the greatest thing this world has, is, and will ever experience. Jesus saves wretched and ruined sinners. He saved me when I cried out to him, an addict of porn, lust, impurity, immorality, anger..., Jesus saved me because I couldn't save myself, in fact none of us can save ourselves...but Jesus loves you and me and everyone else so so much!! That he died to whoever decides to follow and come to him will find everlasting life in Heaven, to be reconciled to God. The night that I found God, the night I sought after him with everything in me, I found him and what I found was and is greater than anything I ever had and will ever have.

My two favorite Parables are the prodigal son(Luke 15) and the parable that says the kingdom of God is like a buried treasure hidden in a field(Matthew 13:44-46). But the latter is one of my favorites because that is what a relationship with God, a relationship with Jesus Christ is. " The kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in field, that when a man found it he went into the city and sold everything he had to purchase the field." -v.44. Because the treasure he found was greater than everything he had, or anything he could ever had. A relationship with Christ is the kingdom of God in your heart. It is the gift of God and you have to do it embrace it. Jesus tells the Pharisees in Luke 17:21" ...because the kingdom of God is within you."

For I am a great sinner, but Christ is a great Savior-John Newton. The night that I found Jesus, the night I found the grace of God, is the night my life changed forever. Now I live in the freedom that comes from living your life for Jesus and not for my sinful nature. Because Jesus freed me from my shame, condemnation, guilt, and death....but now I have been delivered from the bondage of Sin!! and live with Joy that overflows from my heart and pours out of my body. This is the only way I can write this. It is the love that Christ showed me that my only desire and my purpose of my life is lead others to Jesus so they can find the greatest treasure, Jesus who came not to condemn us, but to save us.-john 3:17. I have been freed and his wounds have healed me. I am not writing this to shove Jesus down anyone's throats but to point and direct others to Jesus, eternal life in Heaven and not Hell. Point others to God's Amazing grace. -Love Casey is my email. if after reading this you would like to talk about who Jesus is and any of this or just want to talk. shoot me an email.

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