Friday, February 27, 2015

Keeping it simple

For my project I am learning more about nutrition and fitness. Both of these topics I have been using  for 50me personal seriously over the past few months.

this post is going to be about fitness!
One thing that I have learned that builds the best foundation for success is.... keep it simple! If you are starting off in a routine of working out and getting in shape take it slow. Its a marathon not a sprint. Your muscles need a little time to be able to recover and once your muscles have been used to moving and expanding the muscle fibers, you are building muscle fatigue or simply your muscles are getting in shape and have the ability to recover quickly.

You don't need to join a gym and spend hundreds of dollars to build a foundation for getting in shape. start slow! Pushups, situps, and running. eating right, and staying discipline! so here is a good easy start off workout per week. these are weekly numbers that you should split throughout the week. Depending on your fitness level to begin.
 anywhere from 25-50 pushups a day. 50-100 sit ups or favorite core exercise, and to two and run 2-3 miles for the week. and remember NOTHING CAN OUTTRAIN A HEALTHLY DIET. if your diet is unhealthy, you will never see the results you want. Start simple and build up to a solid workout routine.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Porn kills, but Jesus Saves.
Romans 6:23" For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus"
I was once dead in my sin, but by the Grace of God I am now alive in Christ.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

the Grace of God

So today I traveled with my baseball team down to South Carolina and I read a decent amount of scripture but also read a good chunk of a book by Judah Smith entitled "Jesus is___" and most of what I read today was on Grace. You may wonder why I capitalized the G in grace, and that is because the Grace of God is unlike anything in this world we could ever imagine. His own love is so great that nothing in the universe compares to it, that is why a life in relationship to God, through Jesus Christ God incarnate, is the greatest thing one could ever have in life. Philippians 3:7-8. But I thought a lot about that today driving down here, that's what you do when you have long bus rides, long deep talks with yourself, so I read and developed more on the love and grace of God. Talk about a topic that has layers and layers of greatness and amazingness as you unfold the layers!! It started with the gospel. The good news that Jesus came in the image of God, not to condemn the world but to save the world. So he died, became a sin offering so that we might become the righteousness. Jesus took mine and your place on the cross and died the death that we should have died, experienced the wrath of God, he bore our sins in his body so that we might not have to. 1 Peter 2:24 is one verse that is the gospel or the meaning of the gospel. The love of God, the love of Jesus Christ is what saved my life about a year ago. The Love of God is the Grace of God. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith.- ephesians 2:8 I am the prodigal son, the adultress woman...who deserves condemnation...but Jesus steps in front of me and says "no, I don't condemn and no one else does" because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! That is Romans 8:1 and how amazing that is!! Because the perfect love of Christ casts out all fear of condemnation because if you are in Christ you have embraced the amazing gift of grace for yourself. Post to be Continued.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Here are 5 Nutrition tips that I have either been told or have thought of myself...which means other people have thought of them too...but nevertheless these are tips that I use for myself and I wouldn't tell you them.

5. Drink plenty of water. I try to drink about a gallon of water a day. yes that is a lot but your body needs to stay hydrated and the fullness feeling of water helps you say no to candy bars and junk food.
4. Read the nutrition labels and pay attention to the Serving size portions! A serving size for me is usually larger than what the label says so I have to pay attention to how much more I am eating compared to the serving size.
3. Color is a good thing. Having meals with many bright colors means youre probably eating that doesn't mean different colored potato chips or junk food is good. I am talking about having salads and putting fresh fruits or other veggies in it.
2. Stay away from processed food the best you can. I realize we live in America where everything seems like it is processed, but you can do it! Eating chicken breast from the fresh meat section instead of frozen prepackaged chicken patties. Making meals yourself is a large part of this. Think "keep it simple"
1. A cheat meal every 2  weeks or so isn't a bad thing, in fact it can be good. Your body adjusts to your diet after a couple weeks of it and a "bad" meal tells your body it needs to work hard to digest and burn it naturally through your metabolism.

But remember this...nothing can out train a unhealthy diet. It doesn't matter how much you workout or run or whatever...if your diet is unhealthy so will your results. I saw the best results in myself when my diet was on track with my workouts. Your diet is the most important aspect of getting your body is shape.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

here is a picture of me from my trip to Florida this past break with Campus Focus! Serious selfies are the best selfies.


For my educational technology class, I have to choose a topic to blog on and I chose fitness. I will be posting workouts, diet/nutrition tips, and other things related to physical fitness! stay tuned for more!

Monday, February 2, 2015

"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever.As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore."-Psalm 125:1-2.
I entitled my blog In the Midst:A Life in Surrender for a couple reasons. In California, there is a Pastor who has a daughter who is in her third battle with brain cancer and this past summer he had a sermon series about life and each of his sermons were about going trials and struggles, hard times and how to and why need to look to the Lord for strength and guidance. Trusting the Lord when your world has gone from bad to worse. So I got a some encouragement in that department, but I chose the title because no matter who you are, no matter what you do, and no matter where you are, we always in the middle, in the midst of something. That is a characteristic that we all share, even though we don't think so. The heroin addict in California and the school teacher in Vermont have this commonality, that is that they both are "In The Midst", ahhh see what I did there...just kidding but seriously, they are both in the middle of something. Those stages of what were are dealing with are different for every person because we are different people, what the heroin addict is dealing with is probably not the same as the school teacher, but that doesn't mean they in different worlds.

We are all in different stages in life, have different interests, and different personalities, but we have a few things in common: We are all on a journey and that journey has twists and turns we never saw coming. We are all in the midst of something whether that is a time of peace and joy or a time of pain and sorrow. So remember, this life is a journey, with many different paths, but keep in mind that everyone else is on their own journey as well, in the midst of one of life's paths. -Casey