Thursday, February 12, 2015

the Grace of God

So today I traveled with my baseball team down to South Carolina and I read a decent amount of scripture but also read a good chunk of a book by Judah Smith entitled "Jesus is___" and most of what I read today was on Grace. You may wonder why I capitalized the G in grace, and that is because the Grace of God is unlike anything in this world we could ever imagine. His own love is so great that nothing in the universe compares to it, that is why a life in relationship to God, through Jesus Christ God incarnate, is the greatest thing one could ever have in life. Philippians 3:7-8. But I thought a lot about that today driving down here, that's what you do when you have long bus rides, long deep talks with yourself, so I read and developed more on the love and grace of God. Talk about a topic that has layers and layers of greatness and amazingness as you unfold the layers!! It started with the gospel. The good news that Jesus came in the image of God, not to condemn the world but to save the world. So he died, became a sin offering so that we might become the righteousness. Jesus took mine and your place on the cross and died the death that we should have died, experienced the wrath of God, he bore our sins in his body so that we might not have to. 1 Peter 2:24 is one verse that is the gospel or the meaning of the gospel. The love of God, the love of Jesus Christ is what saved my life about a year ago. The Love of God is the Grace of God. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith.- ephesians 2:8 I am the prodigal son, the adultress woman...who deserves condemnation...but Jesus steps in front of me and says "no, I don't condemn and no one else does" because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! That is Romans 8:1 and how amazing that is!! Because the perfect love of Christ casts out all fear of condemnation because if you are in Christ you have embraced the amazing gift of grace for yourself. Post to be Continued.

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