Friday, March 27, 2015

Diet tip of the week

Diet tip of the week! Peanut butter is good for you! but in the right amounts. The fats in it can be both  good and bad, but if you eat an organic peanut butter with fewer ingredients. My mom  found Jiff reduced fat peanut butter and it tastes great!! If you want to eat peanut butter but still want to eat healthy try reduced fat peanut butter instead of regular.

paleo update

Hey everyone, so here is an update on my paleo diet update....being on the road so much and traveling constantly makes it very hard to eat healthy, let alone a very strict paleo, healthy the last week didnt go so well....and this week has been much better because of break. I love eating paleo, but it is very hard. It is however worth it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tip of the week!

here is a diet tip of the week! Diet drinks are necessarily better for you. actually most can be worse. Diet drinks contain a substance called aspertain, a sugar substitive, that is actually very bad for you. So if you can stay away from diet drinks I would suggest to! tune in next week for another diet tip of the week

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

week 3!

soo this is my third week of the diet and I am sad to inform you that hasnt gone the best...with traveling so much this weekend and this week my only options to eat are not really the "healthiest" then I came home and my mom had bought low fat frozen yogurt...and i was too weak to deny it. But this morning I ate well and hopefully I will be able to get back on it because my body just feels different when I dont eat Paleo. even in just two weeks, your body adjusts to your diet. So know that if you start a diet or any eating regiment, your body adjusts to it much faster than you think it does.

Below is a link to paleo recipes that are easy and great tasting! I will be trying one of them next week

Friday, March 13, 2015

Today for lunch we went to golden corral and i said that I would be posting pictures of what I ate. The picture may be a little burly... but it was bourbon chicken, italian sausage, pulled pork, spinach, and a bowl of fruit including raisins, cantaloupe, and manderin oranges. I had about three plates and it tasted great and I felt great also!! Eating healthy when you go out can be hard but it is doable!! you just have to be selective. When we go to these buffets I have eaten mostly fruit, veggies, and then lots of protein. You can eat healthy and eat out! Stay tuned fam! join in next week when I give some new fitness tips to help with the new diet to really increase your results!

Paleo diet week 2!

This is week 2 of my paleo diet and I ate great until getting on the road yesterday for baseball....but i ate well today and will later today and the rest of the weekend! Cheat meals are something you can have! but you have to watch how much cheat meals you have. I allow myself about 1-2 cheat meals a week.  They are actually good for you because what the bad food does is tell your metabolism to get to work. When you are eating a healthy diet, especially the paleo diet which is very strict, your body actually gets used to your diet so the cheat meals tell your body to get up and get working to burn off the bad junk you have just eaten! Definitely felt it last night lol. It felt like there was a fire in my abs haha. it sounds weird but it is true, but you have to control your cheat meals if you have to many then your metabolism will slow down and will not be able to catch up. Today we are going to golden corral for food before our game tonight, and i will post how you can eat healthy at a buffet!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

picmaker review cont.

Picmaker could be used in the classroom by students for projects, presentations, creating digital artifacts, and presentations for teachers as well. As a teacher, I could see myself using picmaker to tough up photos that might need some restoration. If you a historical piece that you can not bring into the class, you can take a photo and make the photo be more livelier for the students. Picmaker allows you to do so much more than just the average picture detailing in ordinary system. This app allows you to add borders, frames, distort images, and add colors plus so much more!Challenges that could arise from using picmaker could distract students, getting to focused all on of the extras that it distracts from the image you are trying to present.
Here is the link to picmaker! you are going to need google chrome to access it.

Picmaker review with breakfast image!

So I have been playing around with the Picmaker tool from the chrome store and once I figured it out i created a pic of my breakfast this morning!! This is a pretty simple example but I enjoyed the color scheme and thought this looked the best!! Picmaker is simple once you get the hang of it and you can make some very cool looking pictures using it! you can change almost everything about it. i will definitely using it again this weekend when I post some more images of my meals.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Paleo diet first week

So its been almost a week since I started the Paleo diet and I am actually enjoying it! But I tell you what it is hard to start out of the blue. especially when you go to cracker barrel and outback for dinner for meals....but I stayed strong and ate salads!! today when I got meal money I found a supermarket while I was walking, God provided in just a cool way, but yeah I went to food lion, just like acme or giant eagle, and bought dried pineapples and cranberries, fresh strawberries, carrots, a naked juice type drink by bolthouse farms, and some Oscar mayer deli fresh chicken all for 20 dollars and I will eat it for 2 meals! even though it doesn't sound like a lot I ate a little less than half or just about half and will be eating the rest shortly. But I am even a little full from it...and trust me I eat a lot...but seriously! you don't need bread and potatoes and processed food to fill you up. natural sugars and natural carbs are better! ive learned that fruits like pineapples, strawberries etc. can have up to 8x the amount of carbs as whole grains and starches. I ate a lot of rice and chicken early in the semester and really liked my results so I think the only change I will make after this is allow for small amounts of brown rice and oatmeal but we will see(: fitness type of the week. you don't need to spend 2 hours at a gym to have a good workout. have your 5-6 lifts but do them quickly and at a good pace. Keeping your cardio going while maintaining a fast pace will increase performance, efficiently, and muscle growth and development and you can do it in 45 minutes to an hour.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Major Project

So for my major project for my #UAEDtech class im doing nutrition and fitness and so I thought It would be a good idea to start a new diet instead of just posting healthy diet tips!
So I am starting the Paleo diet a.k.a. the Caveman diet and will be posting my results as well and how I enjoy it. likes and dislikes.
here is the link to the website that I will be using for my diet.

So what is the paleo diet exactly? Well it is primarily based on the foods that you need to stay away from more so then the foods you need to eat.
The foods you eat are:                                      foods you don't eat:
grass produced meats                                         Cereal grains
fish/seafood                                                        Legumes including peanuts
fresh fruits and veggies                                      dairy
eggs                                                                    Refined sugar
nuts and seeds                                                    potatoes
healthy oils                                                        processed foods
                                                                          Refined vegetable oils

The premise of the diet is to lose weight or burn fat(my goals) and to build lean muscle. I am very excited to try this diet! And I will be posting results after the 4 weeks are up.