Friday, March 13, 2015

Paleo diet week 2!

This is week 2 of my paleo diet and I ate great until getting on the road yesterday for baseball....but i ate well today and will later today and the rest of the weekend! Cheat meals are something you can have! but you have to watch how much cheat meals you have. I allow myself about 1-2 cheat meals a week.  They are actually good for you because what the bad food does is tell your metabolism to get to work. When you are eating a healthy diet, especially the paleo diet which is very strict, your body actually gets used to your diet so the cheat meals tell your body to get up and get working to burn off the bad junk you have just eaten! Definitely felt it last night lol. It felt like there was a fire in my abs haha. it sounds weird but it is true, but you have to control your cheat meals if you have to many then your metabolism will slow down and will not be able to catch up. Today we are going to golden corral for food before our game tonight, and i will post how you can eat healthy at a buffet!

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